menggunakan habis-habis bahasa Inggris
- menggunakan: apply; applying for; consume; exert; exerted;
- habis: finish; gave out; given out; giving out; over; play out; played out; used up; done for; dry up; finished; give out; run out; die; cease; wear; perfective; land up; wind up; undone; through with; rea
- tak habis-habis: limitless; illimitable
- tidak habis habis: unappeased
- baru habis: fresh out
- berangsur habis: peter
- habis dijual: finish selling
- habis itu: and then; then
- habis makan: ate away
- habis melahirkan: puerperal
- habis perkara: that is done with
- habis semua: all gone
- habis semuanya: all gone
- habis tempo: deadline
- habis terbakar: go up in smoke